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Beyond The Islands

Dubai Consulate Holds Art Exhibit of Young Pinoy Artists

For Overseas Filipino Workers, community is crucial – Filipinos abroad naturally gravitate towards one another, and form bonds reminiscent of the ones they left behind in the motherland. They celebrate sorrows and joys, failures and triumphs, together, as a community.

This sense of community is highlighted whenever we celebrate the capacity of a fellow countryman to create (a painting, or a piece of music, for example), because we feel an increased affinity to the artist, and an immense sense of pride that “one of us” is capable of creating something beautiful. This simple act of expression forms an integral part of the identity of the community.

Embassies and Consulates recognize the importance of the role of art in expression and identity, and they regularly initiate and support such initiatives for their communities.

Promoting Art to the Community –  Art Exhibit of Young Filipino Artists held in Dubai

Philippine Consul General to Dubai Paul Raymund Cortes envisions the Consulate as a repository of the collective expression of the soul of the overseas Filipino – as such, art exhibits form part of the Consulate General’s cultural diplomacy strategy, providing an avenue to showcase the art of fellow Filipinos to the community.

Last September 28, the Philippine Consulate in Dubai inaugurated an art exhibit showcasing the works of five overseas-based young Filipino artists, as a bid to highlight and promote their skills, and the rich and vibrant art of the Philippines.

The opening of the exhibit, entitled “The Color Palette of the New Age Artists,” was headed by Cortes and his spouse, Dr. Yasmin Balajadia-Cortes, at the Rizal Hall of the Philippine Consulate. Around 300 guests packed the Consulate’s premises, where over 30 works from the featured artists were displayed.

With a three-month run, the exhibit forms part of the Consulate’s program to highlight and promote the unique brand of Philippine Art. The featured artists were Kairi Eamilao Cabais (15 years old), Krestia Louie Garcia (15 years old), Cyrill Kiersten Cecillano (14 years old), Raphael Jaydrek Esgra Dilla (10 years old), and Julia Ramone Lopez Torre (9 years old).

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